Monday, February 21, 2011

Point E

A Wildlife Preserve is directly behind FCC's campus.  The school's mascot is a cougar, but I do not think one would encounter any here.

For more information:
National Wildlife Refuge System
Scenic America

Point D

The piping system at FCC is very intricate.  Notable pipe users include Super Mario and Snoop Doggy Dog.  For more information:

Super Mario
Plumbing and Sewage Supplies

Point C

What Tree Is That?

Point B

The speed limit on FCC's campus is 20 miles per hour. Speeding is illegal and violators will be prosecuted.

For more information go to:

Driving Laws

Point A

Frederick Community College (FCC) offers a future for post high school students with an array of major/minor choices.  For more information, explore the websites listed below:
